Read Acts
11:19-31 & Look at the Map Below
Now those who had been dispersed by the persecution which arose
over Stephen travelled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and (Syrian) Antioch,[1]
giving the message as they went to Jews only. However, among their number were
natives of Cyprus [1] and Cyrene [2], and these men, on their arrival at
(Syrian) Antioch [3], proclaimed their message to the (Gentile) Greeks as well,
telling them the good news of the Lord Jesus. The hand of the Lord was with
them, and a great number believed and turned to the Lord. News of these things
came to the ears of the Church in Jerusalem [4] and they sent Barnabas to
(Syrian) Antioch [5].
Then Barnabas went to Tarsus [6] to find Saul (Paul). When he
found him he brought him up to Antioch [7]. Then for a whole year they met
together with the Church and taught a large crowd. It was in Antioch that the
disciples were first given the name of "Christians".
During this period some prophets came down from Jerusalem to
Antioch. One of them by the name of Agabus stood up and foretold by the Spirit
that there was to be a great famine throughout the world. (This actually
happened in the days of Claudius). The disciples determined to send relief to
the brothers in Judea, each contributing as he was able. This they did, sending
their contribution to the elders there (in Jerusalem [8]) personally through
Barnabas and Saul (who later return to Syrian Antioch [9]). (Map& text from

As is common in Acts, a large period of time and significant
distances traveled are covered with amazing brevity. The vast majority of
details are omitted. Details that are included are therefore of particular
- Reread this section of Acts and note the details that are included. Why do you think Luke includes these?
If you have a bit longer :-)
- If you were to write in a few sentences a summary of the previous year of your life, what details would you include and why?
- If you were to do the same for Open Heaven, what would you include and why?
[1] “Syrian Antioch -
present day Antakya in southern Turkey. This Antioch was known as "Queen
of the East", capital of the province of Syria, and the third largest city
in the Roman Empire after Rome and Alexandria. With a population of over half a
million people, it was located on the River Orontes, and a junction of trade
routes between East and West. It should not to be confused with Pisidian
Antioch, a Phrygian town in the Roman province of Galatia.” (From
taken 080512)
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